S + F  |  Summer Daisies  |  June 2017

My mom was going through some old things and pulled out this dress.  It was hers as a girl, made by my Grandma.  We tried it on Flynn and it fit like a glove.  So, I figured we needed to get a little session in out in the field of daisies at our home.  Of course that means we had to find a nice shirt so her brother could join her... and as usual, they didn't disappoint.  These two are so nice to cooperate with their mom, who is always giving them directions on how to stand, and where to put their hands. :) I love them so much, and no doubt the camera does too.

Lifestyle  |   Family Life VII  |  June 2017

Summers for us usually mean bikes, water, and playing in the long grass. 
 Lots of laughter from S+F.  My most favorite time of year.